Meet ALICE (Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed)

Today, I had the good fortune of engaging the Hampton Roads Community Action Program(HRCAP) team as opening keynote speaker and workshop facilitator at their organization’s retreat.
The day was filled with the high spirits of people committed to leaving the world better than they found it.
While, there are so many wonderful experiences that I could detail from today, the thing that struck me most was a presentation from a representative from the United Way.
She spoke about ALICE.

ALICE is an acronym for Asset Limited, Income Constrained, Employed…a term used to describe households that earn more than the federal poverty level (FPL) but not enough to cover basic living expenses.
ALICE works two jobs but still can’t make ends meet to care for the children in the household…yet ALICE doesn’t qualify for public assistance because ALICE makes too much money.
ALICE is employed, but is one major car repair bill away from not being able to pay the rent or mortgage…yet ALICE needs a car to get to work to feed the family.
42% of American households are either living in poverty or are classified as ALICE.
I live and work around a lot of prosperity and access.
And, sometimes I need a reminder of how many people in this world are just trying to make it.
Today, I received that reminder.
Community Action Programs (CAPs) like HRCAP are local organizations that were established under the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 as part of the War on Poverty in the United States.
Their primary mission is to reduce poverty by providing services and resources to low-income individuals and families.
These programs address various needs, such as employment, education, housing, nutrition, and health care, with the goal of empowering people to become self-sufficient.
Today, the United Way is taking a new approach to its campaigning.
The United Way's new campaign focuses on fostering connections rather than raising funds.
This initiative aims to build stronger, more resilient communities by encouraging people to connect with one another, share resources, and support local programs and services.
The goal is to create a network of relationships that can help individuals and families thrive, especially in times of need.
We are all in this world together.
Consider making a connection with someone who could benefit from your hand up. ❤️🙏🏾