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There is a learning curve in parenting. Loving and caring for children well requires a series of time-now critical decisions. But, families don't have to make those decisions alone. High-quality external support enables families to build a strategy for parenting and make high-quality, real-time decisions that lead to positive outcomes for children and families.


I'm here to help and Together, We Got This! BOOM!!!!


There is a learning curve in parenting. While parents often are made to feel that they should know exactly what to do and when to it, parenting is not an intuitive process. However, access to high-quality, and easily digestible information child development and healthy parenting practices can lead to life-long positive outcome for diverse

families and their children.

Learning Through Love, Life, and Play Series:

This workshop series provides caregivers with information, tools, and strategies to

assist them and easily implementing developmentally appropriate learning activities until

their family’s daily routine. The participants will learn about developmental milestones

and learning standards for specific stages of development. Then, discuss and examine

how to identify, create, and provide rich learning experiences that support whole child,

healthy growth and development.


     – Learning Through Love, Life, and Play: The Infant Years (Birth – 18 months)

     – Learning Through Love, Life, and Play: The Toddler Years (18 months – 3 yrs old)

     – Learning Through Love, Life, and Play: The Preschool Years (3 – 5 yrs old)

     – Learning Through Love, Life, and Play: The School Age Years (5 – 9 yrs old)

     – Learning Through Love, Life, and Play: The Tween Years (9 – 12 yrs old)

I am Your Champion:

Becoming Your Child’s Greatest Advocate

Parents and caregiver serve a voice to and for their children. This workshop will equip families with the knowledge tools and strategies needed to develop the skill of serving as their child advocate in learning and life. Effective advocacy for a child not only fosters space for the growth today. But, also, fosters space for a child’s development of confidence and self-advocacy skills, tomorrow.

Healthy Tree, Healthy Fruit:

Self-Care for Parents and Caregivers

As parents, we spend much of our time and energy caring for our children. However, we must remember to recharge our batteries and take care of ourselves to ensure we have the energy to give our children the best version of ourselves. This workshop will offer parents and caregivers tips, strategy, and permission to nurture themselves so they are better able to nurture the children they love and care for each day.

Getting to Know Yourself as a Parent:

Exploring Your Beliefs About Parenting and Child Rearing

We are a combination of all of our lived experience. These lived experiences shape our believes and influence how we parent and care for our children. This introspective learning experience offer parents and caregiver the opportunity to explore their values and beliefs regarding parenting and child rearing.

The Power of Words:

Using positive and Strength-Based Language to Communicate with Children

Our words as parents and caregivers become our children’s inner voice. Therefore, it is essential to surround our children with word that foster development of a strong belief in themselves and their capabilities. During this learning experience, participants will explore the use of strength-based language and learn 5 strategies to use in everyday life to ensure the words used with and around their children promote the development of an emotionally healthy and confident person.

I Control Me:

Developing Self-Regulatory Skills in Children

Self-regulation is the ability to understand and manage your behavior and your reactions to feelings and things happening around you. Self-regulatory skills assist children in navigating experiences they encounter with the world around them. Children develop self-regulation through warm and responsive interactions and relationship.

They also develop it by watching the adults in their lives. Participants will learn strategies to support the development of self-regulatory skills in their children.

This is Us:

Developing Your Family Culture and Values Statement

Creating a family culture and values statement can be a meaningful way for your family to come up with values that are important to your household. During this workshop the participants will explore and examine their family’s way of doing and being, values, roles, and goals. Then, develop a framework to create a shared family culture and values statement with the members of their family.

We All Have Emotions:

Raising an Emotionally Intelligent Child

Children experience the same range of emotions that we do as adults. When talking to your children about their feelings, go beyond the typically used emotions of happy, sad, and angry. Children with higher emotional intelligence are better able to pay attention, are more engaged in school, have more positive relationships, and are more empathic. Participants will explore the 5 characteristics of emotional intelligence and learn strategies to support the development of emotional intelligence in their children.

Guidance is Love:

Reframing the Concept of Discipline

This learning experience examines the difference between guidance and discipline. Guidance refers to advice or information that helps a child resolve a problem or difficulty. Discipline refers to the practice of training a child to obey rules, using punishment to correct disobedience. The difference between guidance and discipline is engagement. Guidance is engagement-focused and learning-focused. Participants will methods of offering guidance with managing the behavior of children.

Finding and Using Your Voice:

Effective Communication with Teachers and Service Providers

It can be intimidating at times to communicate with teachers and service providers, when advocating for your child and family. This workshop provides skills to strengthen a parent of caregiver’s ability to communicate their child’s needs to service providers. Effective communication assists in the establishment strong and productive

family/service provider relationships. Families are the experts on their child. This learning experience empowers parent to communicate that expertise and supports the development of skills and learning strategies that enable parents to successfully collaborate with service providers and work together to ensure their child maximizes his/her personal potential.

I am Resilient:

Navigating Daily and Family Stressors

It this workshop, participants will identify causes of stress in their daily lives and positive ways to cope with frustration. Additionally, the participants will develop strategies for helping children deal with stress. This learning experience assists participants in identifying their responses to stressful situations and creating a plan to manage daily stressors.

Building a Top Notch Village:

Five Keys to Establishing Supportive Relationships

No family is an island. We all need support when navigating the twists and turns of LIFE. During this workshop, participants will identify the category of people they need on their team and what type of supports would be

most relevant to their family. Every family deserves a Top Notch Village of support. This learning experience empowers families with the skills to recognize and utilize the support resources in their family and community.

Navigating the Hidden Responsibilities:

Parenting a Child with Disabilities

Parenting requires support, skill, and information. Parenting, while raising a child with disabilities requires all of that and then some! This workshop will explore the “and then some” – the hidden responsibilities of parenting a child with disabilities. Hidden responsibilities are the tasks that the world doesn’t see because they are hidden; embedded into the experience of parenting a child with disabilities. Hidden responsibilities are extra tasks and thoughts parents and caregivers of children with disabilities must to employ during the day to ensure their home, life, and child remain

balanced. The focus of this workshop is increasing the capacity of families as they support the needs of their children with disabilities. This learning experience will examine the roles of families, community, and service providers within the child and family’s community. Then, further assess how to partner and collaborate with the people and resources within your community to assess in navigating the hidden responsibilities of parenting a child with disabilities.

If you are interested in other trainings

for parents or professionals, please

contact Dr. El about your specific needs.

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