Empowerment in Action: SDYM's Bold Vision for the Future

I’m sooooo enjoying watching SDYM come into his own. He speaks life into himself…
I’m eavesdropping on a conversation…
SYDM: Yeah. I can’t wait to go college. I’m going to Florida A&M University and I’m going to major in Music and minor in Fine Arts.
Service Provider: Okay.
SDYM: Yeah. I’m in high school now to get good grades, so I can go to college.
SP: College *something something* hard.
SDYM: I wouldn’t use the word “hard”. I’d say “advanced”. But I’ll be prepared.
BOOM!! BANG!!! POW!!! SHA-BANG!!!! 🎊🎉
Mama Baby!!!!
Don’t speak deficit or marginalizing language in My Child’s space!!!! #HeDontPlayBoutHisGoals #GatheringEdges